Friday, November 11, 2011


Today is one of the days that humans have been preparing and waiting for since the dawn of creation! Well, we made it folks, and not only did we make it, but we outdid ourselves in more ways than we can imagine!!


There are thousands of groups around the world in celebration, opening their hearts and their bodies to the celestial goodies coming their way.  This is a time where we will begin to align our bodies with our higher selves, we can do this because the energies of our planet are vibrating higher, allowing us to become closer to our celestial families where our higher selves reside.  Does this mean that our higher selves are living somewhere out in the galaxy? No. They are within our reach, but right on the other side of the veil...we know this because we talk to them all the time.  We rely on them in the quiet hours in meditation,  when we use our imagination and when we feel compassion for those we don't understand.
We have been on this journey for thousands of years, and old souls that we are have prepared for this day in the center of the 36 year cycle in which we cross that bridge from one age to the next.  Oh how truly lovely it is to be a part of this.  For many, you know this.  You feel that this is a time of quickening, awakening, unveiling to the true nature of the divine human.  

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, our sisters and brothers from the Pleiades came down to this planet and planted the seeds of biology that we carry within our DNA, and they have remained to witness this amazing shift that we are now in the middle of: The greatest compassionate shift in the history of humanity.  You feel these quickenings, these stirrings within that urge you to look within yourself for answers that you were once comfortable looking for in others. Your DNA is evolving to allow you to communicate with your higher self, just like the Avatars and the Masters before.  Your christed seed is awakening and now is the time to embrace your inner voice that will NEVER steer you wrong.  Practice this, test it out, make a choice and go forward even if it feels tenuous and unsteady.  If you are not met with closed doors, if the flow is an open channel, then continue in that direction.  Listen to your inner guidance system and make the change that you long for.  The energies are set up right now to assist you as they have never been before.  

Lightworkers and Match Holders, you know who you are, you spread the light, even the smallest bit, and it's time to accept who you are: You Are God Also. Creator beings who have graduated to a status where all beings in all galaxies watch and learn.  Gaia is responding to this new awakening and she loves you.
Celebrate this day be honoring yourself, your ancestors, your earth and humanity.
Congratulations! Now, plant your feet in and feel the energy of our earth as we propel ourselves into the next age!!

More information on these wonderful times can be found @:

Please take another look at my book trailer for, "Illuminating Crystal", my new novel which directly deals with this wonderful time in the evolution of humanity!!

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