Yesterday, August 17th was an auspicious day for those of us remembering back twenty-five years ago to the day humanity turned the tables on ancient prophet's predictions, setting events into motion that most likely, if not assuredly, changed the course of humanity. 144,000 souls around the world prayed for peace on this day in a celebration called The Harmonic Convergence, catapulting earth and humanity on a new course: A course of peace.
The energies of our planet were set up billions of years ago to support human life up until a certain point, Ancient prophesies have said that by the year 2000 humanity would have pretty much annihilated itself. They supposed that between the years 2000 and 2012 the earth would shut down and no living thing would remain.That's the course we were on before August 17 1987....the course of destruction. But because light workers from around the globe prayed for peace in all types of celebrations, we saved ourselves. Our reward? Advancement into the Fifth Age, the Age of Illumination. We can walk into our ascension without destroying ourselves like we've done with all the other ages before.
For more clarification about this day and the festivals celebrated around the world, I'll share with you a snypet from my book, "Illuminating Crystal," where my character, Dr. David Lange, explains this important day and its ramifications to Crystal Blue, the heroine of my novels in the White Bird series.
Here it is for your reading pleasure, taken from page 157 and 158. And please excuse me for not introducing the scene, but I don't want to spoil it for you if you haven't yet read my book:
He (David) shook his head and looked at the
papers for a moment. “Twenty-three years ago, an event occurred that changed
the course of humanity. A global convergence for peace where hundreds of people
from around the planet converged at the same time globally and united for peace,”
he looked up from the paper. “If this hadn’t happened, Crystal, a great disaster
would have befallen the planet, an apocalypse; the planet would have by now
been almost completely shut down. The convergence worked because we’re still
here walking, talking and breathing fresh air.”
David took off his glasses, rubbed his
eyes and thought for a moment. “Like other festivals, the Harmonic Convergence
started primarily as a celebration of shared values or beliefs. What made the
convergence a bit different, however, is that the light worker community came
from all over the world, and the uniting beliefs were a mix of the New Age, the
Bible and ancient Mayan astronomy. “Because of this celebration, our current
situation is different than the ancients predicted.”
“The convergence apparently had its
origin in a book written by Jose Arguelles called “The Mayan Factor.” He argued
that at a critical time, the prophecies of the Bible, and Aztec and Mayan
calendars indicated the world would either begin a new age or be destroyed. If
144,000 self-chosen people called “light workers” were resonating with peace
during this important time, worldwide, Arguelles believed the world could be
saved from destruction. The catastrophic events that would lead to the
destruction of our world in 2012 would be averted.
“This particular ‘shift’ in human
consciousness that occurred as a result of the thousands of souls resonating at
the same moment in time with the intention of world peace, raised the vibration
of our planet and set us on a new course for, well…enlightenment, I guess. We
passed a crucial stage and we may have saved our planet from annihilation. I
also know that this shift brought you to us—to me. The planet was ready for you
to come.”
Crystal raised her eyebrows and shook
her head. “The planet was ready for me? Dude, I don’t know.”
“Once the planet began to vibrate at a
higher frequency because of the shift, you came in to help with this new
chapter in the course of humanity. There is a purpose for this change, Crystal.
It’s all part of the awakening process and, ultimately, peace on earth—something
that no one ever dared to dream would be possible. The human contract for life
on planet Earth changed, and humans will need to begin vibrating at a higher
frequency along with the earths.”
So there you have a basic explanation of what happened on this day twenty-five years ago. I remember that day well, having traveled with my mother at 4 a.m. to a rural town twenty miles outside of Minneapolis: The town of Long Lake. We were greeted by dozens of happy people, setting up tents, sweat lodges, picnics, campfires, and ceremonial circles. Ed Mc Gaa, Eagle Man, a member of the Oglala Lakota and author, was with us that day and I had an experience I'll never forget.
Being new to the world of metaphysics and all things "New Age," I'd had little experience with group ceremonies where we stood in a circle holding hands, chanting and swaying. But, knowing that the day was extremely important, one I'd never be able to replicate, I jumped in and grabbed hold of my neighbors hands. Ed, wearing a ceremonial war bonnet, stood in the center of our circle. I don't recall the words he said, or what he held in his hands, but after a few moments the wind picked up and a huge gray cloud came soaring in from the east. Now these were no ordinary clouds, they were heavy, gray and angry, but Ed told us to hold hands and not let go. As the wind screamed around us, and the clouds passed over, the air began to change and I looked up. What I saw brought shivers up and down my spine: Dozens of feet over our heads, two birds, I think they were eagles, flew in a tight circle. By now, everyone was looking up and the beautiful white birds continued circling for at least 3 maybe 4 minutes before flying away. Then the clouds broke and the sky was perfectly clear.
That was probably the most profound thing I've ever witnessed and impressed upon me so strongly that I carried it with me, weaving the mystical experience into my books. After all, I did title the series of my book, the White Bird series.
So now, twenty-five years later, I'm writing about that day, remembering and hoping that many more of you remember what you did on August 17, 1987.
Congratulations! We did it!
Blessings to all of you,
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